Benefits of Consigning...
Earn 70% on All Items sold!
Consignors may earn 75% if they work for our ABC Kids Crew. ABC Kids Crew positions are on a first come, first serve basis and must be approved.
Shop Early-before the public, at a special Consignor Pre-Sale!
Set your own prices.
Easily print tags with our tagging templates.
Fast payments!
NO-SHOW Policy for Consignors: This applies to those who have signed up to consign and have not shown for their drop off time and dont end up consigning for 2 consecutive sales. We understand that things come up, so we are ok if you need to cancel your registration at any time by calling, emailing or facebook messaging us. We do limit the number of consignors as we get closer to the sale, and do end up having a waiting list. It is not fair to those that are on the waitlist and want to consign if we have other consignors that dont show up without notifying us. We ask for your understanding in this new process. Thank you for your cooperation.
What You Need To Do...
1. Register (Click Here)
You must re-register for every sale
A $10 Registration fee will be deducted from each consignor's check.
2. Spread the Word
Recommend a Consignor - Earn $$$
Post a Flyer around town
Put up a yard Sign
3. Tag Your Items
Tagging Instructions will be sent once you Register.
*Make sure to check the "What's Accepted" page as we have new guidelines each sale.
4. Drop your Items Off
Instructions will be sent the week before the sale.
5. Shop at the Pre-Sale
Instructions will be sent a week before the sale.
6. Track Your Sales
You will receive an email statement at the end of the sale with a price of each sold item and what day it sold.
7. Pick Up Your Unsold Items
Check Your Email for instructions
You should receive your check 2-3 weeks after the sale.