Please join us for the upcoming Spring & Summer Sale!
Thursday, April 3rd, 2025 from 7am-8pm
Friday, April 4th, 2025 from 9am-8pm
Saturday, April 5th, 2025 from 8am-2pm. (most items 1/2 off)
Registration for Consignors and Kids Crew is now OPEN!
@ the Central WI Convention & Expo Center
Whats new this sale??
NEW this Sale! Work a 3 hour SET UP shift or 3 Hour Inspection shift on Tuesday and earn Pre-sale pass to shop 1 hour before consignors. (Limited positions available)
*All blankets or bedding must either be in a large plastic bag, bedding bag or hung over an adult size plastic hanger or hanger with clips.
We will be trying to hang most of the bedding or organize them well on the tables. Sleeping bags do not need to be hung or in bags.
Thank you for your cooperation!
*We reserve the right to cap the number of consignors if needed, so sign up early to make sure you get a spot.